ProjectWise Geospatial Administrator Help

Coordinate Systems

To Modify the Name of a Coordinate System

  1. Right-click on the coordinate system and choose Rename in the contextual menu.

    The coordinate system's alias will be highlighted.

  2. Type a new name.
  3. Press Enter.

    The new coordinate system alias will now appear.

To Delete a Coordinate System

  1. Right-click on the coordinate system and choose Delete in the contextual menu.

    A verification question displays.

  2. Click Yes to dismiss the verification dialog box.

    The coordinate system is deleted from the list.

    Note: Coordinate systems that are used by at least one spatial location cannot be deleted. It is also impossible to delete the reference coordinate system.

To Mark a Coordinate System as the Reference

Right-click on the coordinate system you want to mark as the reference and select the Set as reference item in the contextual menu.

The coordinate system is now marked as the reference and the icon is different from the other coordinate system icons.

Coordinate System Attributes

The different Coordinate System attributes are listed in the documents window on the right.

Alias Attributes

The name that will be used to represent the coordinate system in the user interface. When a new coordinate system is created, the Key Name is automatically used as Alias. The reference coordinate system icon is different from the other coordinate system icons.

Key Name Attributes

The unique identifier that represents the coordinate system in the reprojection engine.

Scan Action Attributes

The action that is stored for the Spatial Location Scan tool. The tool uses this action to streamline the scanning process. Possible values are:

  • Ask — When this coordinate system is found in a document, it will be presented to the user for approval.

  • Use — When this coordinate system is found in a document, it will automatically be used.

  • Replace — When this coordinate system is found in a document, it will automatically be replaced by the coordinate system specified in the Replace By column.

Note: Note that the automatic use of a coordinate system only happens if there is only one coordinate system that matches for a document. In the case where multiple coordinate systems match a document, they will all be presented to the user.

Replace By Attributes

Only used when the Scan Action is set to “Replace”. Contains the name of the coordinate system that replaces the current one in the Spatial Location Scan tool.

Working with Custom Coordinate Systems

The following steps are necessary to add custom coordinate systems to ProjectWise Geospatial Management:

  1. Define a custom dictionary file (.DTY) in Bentley Map.

    In this file make sure that you define all the coordinate systems required by ProjectWise Geospatial Management, including non-custom coordinate systems.

  2. It is recommended to copy the custom .DTY files to the ProjectWise Geospatial Management coordinate system dictionary location:

    [ProjectWise Install directory]\Bentley\ProjectWise\bin\dictionary

    Note: The custom coordinate system library file (.DTY) can be copied in any folder on the ProjectWise Design Integration Server computer.
  3. In the Services window, stop the service for ProjectWise Design Integration Server.
  4. Add an entry in the DMSKRNL.CFG file for each custom coordinate system file, within a [UserCS] section:

    If a [UserCS] section does not exist yet, it should be created for each custom coordinate system file to add, an entry should be made under the [UserCS] section.

    For example:

    Custom CS Group #1=mycustomcsfile.dty 
    Custom CS Group #2=e:\mycustomcs\mycustomcsfile2.dty 
    Note: If the full path to the file is NOT provided, it is assumed the file is located in the projectwise\bin\dictionary\ folder. If a full path to the file is provided, the coordinate system library file will be loaded from that location directly.

    The part to the left of the = character is used as the group name in the Add Coordinate System dialog in ProjectWise Administrator.

    The part to the right of the = character is the name of the custom coordinate system file.

  5. Restart the service for ProjectWise Design Integration Server.

    This loads the standard coordinate system dictionary as well as the custom dictionary defined in the DMSKRNL.CFG file. The Add Coordinate System dialog in ProjectWise Administrator should look like the following: